之輪椅 X 救世 最新香港製造 碳纖維電動輪椅 Z CARBON 1


*大輸出無刷電機 - 220W*2充沛的動力輸出,強大上斜剎停力

*扶手開合式設計 - 實現三向上落
採用高容量電池時,一次充電提供高達30KM續航力,專用 Hi-Cap 高容量電池 (288Wh)
專用 Travel旅行型電池(158Wh)(24V X 6.6AH)
原價$1380. 加購價+$880
專用 Hi-Cap 高容量電池 (288Wh)(24V X 12AH)
原價$1880. 加購價+$1380
原價$680. 加購價+$380

*極致輕量 - 採用碳纖維車架,淨重17KG,連電池總重僅為19KG,為傳統電動輪椅一半重量,安全負重達120kg,同級最輕。
*3秒摺疊 - 簡單步驟,摺疊後體積細小,並可站立及拖行,便於攜帶和存放。
*持久續航力 - 採用高容量電池時,一次充電提供高達15-18KM續航力,充沛的電力滿足日常出行,更可提換電池將續航提高到30KM,專用 Hi-Cap 高容量電池 (288Wh)+$1380
*大輸出無刷電機 - 220W*2充沛的動力輸出,能實現15度以上的上斜動力,遠勝對手。
*超靜音EABS電磁剎車 - 採用創新超靜音離合剎車器,從此跟傳統煩人的電磁制動系統說再見。
*一流操作體驗 - 控制器設有7段速度設定,以及車速顯示,提供簡單自然舒適的操控。
*扶手開合式設計 - 實現三向上落,以及在車上進餐,減輕護理人員壓力。
*可ADD-ON無線遙控駕駛 - 選配無線遙控器,使用藍芽技術加密,便利無線遙控代駕。
*手動/電動模式 - 輕鬆切換至手動模式,便於護理人員推動。
*防污易潔坐墊 - 特製的空氣纖維坐墊,舒適透氣,防水防污,易於維護清潔。
*符合多國認證 - 美國FDA註冊的醫療設備,符合ISO7176、EN12184及IEC60601等嚴格標準。
*電池認證 - 電池通過UN38.3電池認證,旅行用電池更可攜帶上飛機,周遊列國再無限制。
*舒適避震- 前輪避震,座椅避震及空氣纖維坐墊,加堅固的車架設計,提供良好舒適乘座體驗。
*儲物空間 - 車底設有專用的儲物袋,可以放入大量私人物品,便利出行。
*HealthChair CARBON 系列正常情況下保養5年。
深度只有33cm/寬度62cm/高度93cm (不含控制器的高度為73cm)
62cm(不含腳踏)/75cm (含腳踏)
ZC1 精選配件套裝(碳纖維手機支架 原價$680 + 無線遙控器 原價$1380 + 全球電源適配器 $300)
HealthChair Z CARBON 1 |
規格 Specification: | |||||
總闊 Total Width: 62 cm |
總高 Total Height: 97 cm |
總長 Total Length: 90 cm |
座闊 Seat Width: 41 cm |
座高 Seat Height: 47(50)cm(Cusion) |
座深 Seat Depth: 41 cm |
摺後闊 Folded Width: 62 cm |
摺後高 Folded Height: 73 cm |
摺後長 Folded Length: 33 cm |
背高 Back Height: 42cm |
馬達 Motor: 220W X 2 |
爬坡度 Safe Slope: 10 度/Degree |
續航力 Durability: 18 /30 公里/KM |
車架淨重 Frame Weight: 17.3 公斤/KG |
電池重量 Battery Weight : 1.7 公斤/KG |
速度 Speed: 8 公里KM/小時 HR |
前輪 Front Wheels: 6.5 寸/Inch (16.5 cm) |
後輪 Back Wheels: 8.5 寸/Inch (21.5cm) |
最高載重 Max Load: 120 公斤/KG |
最短轉彎半徑: 62cm(不含腳踏) |
最短轉彎半徑: 75cm (含腳踏) |
Health Chair Z CARBON ZC1
Carbon Fiber Frame /Ultimate Lightweight
*Ultimate Lightweight - Made with a carbon fiber frame, the total weight of the ZC1 including the battery is only 19kg, half the weight of a traditional electric wheelchair. It has a safe weight capacity up to 120kg, making it the lightest in its class.
*3-Second Folding – Can be folded in 3 seconds with simple steps. It is in a small size after folding and can stand upright and be dragged. Easy to carry and store.
*Long-Lasting Battery Life - With a high-capacity battery, it can provide up to 30km on a single charge, suitable for daily usage.
*High-Output Brushless Motor - 440W(220W*2) power output, capable of achieving uphill of more than 15 degrees.
*Super Quiet EABS Electromagnetic Brake –Enjoying the quiet ride with the innovative ultra-quiet brake system, no more clutch noise form traditional one.
*First-Class Operating Experience - A first-class controller, providing a speed display and smooth operation with 7-speed level settings.
*Foldable Armrest Design - Convenient for daily use, allows 3-way entry, and dining-friendly, reducing the pressure on caregivers.
*Wireless Remote Control Driving - Provides convenient wireless remote driving by a Bluetooth encryption wireless remote control.
*Manual/Electric Mode - Easy to switch to manual mode, making it easy for caregivers.
*Easy-to-clean AirFibre Cushion - Comfortable, breathable, waterproof, fast dry and easy to clean.
*Compliant with multinational certifications - A medical device approved by the FDA, ISO7176, EN12184, and IEC60601 standards.
*Battery Certification - The battery has passed the UN38.3 battery certification and travel batteries can be carried on airplanes, with no hassles on international travel.
*Comfortable Shock Absorber - With a front wheel shock absorber, car seat suspension, and air fiber seat cushion, along with a sturdy frame design, it provides a comfortable riding experience.
*Storage Space - The bottom of the wheelchair has a dedicated storage bag that can hold many personal items, making it convenient for travel.
*5-Year Warranty
Unfolded Dimensions:
Depth 90cm/Width 62cm/Height 97cm
Folded Dimensions (Standing):
Depth 33cm ONLY/Width 62cm/Height 93cm (Height without the controller is 73cm)
Front Wheel 6.5 inches (16.5cm)
Rear Wheel 8.5 inches (21.5cm)
Minimum Turning Radius:
62cm (without footrest)/75cm (with footrest)
熱線 : +852 3689 6873 Whatsapp, Wechat : +852 9019 7097
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2. 星之輪椅陳列室星期一至日及公眾假期均照常營業
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3. 香港零售業協會會員,正版正貨名單的商舖
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10. 提供全港首創的免費上門試電動輪椅,教導用家如何安全操作電動輪椅